Thursday, July 24, 2008

Batman - Dark Knight....FINALLY!

I've had about 5 or 6 people that I told the about this blog that have asked me what I thought of the latest installment of Batman and I hadn't seen it yet. Well, it finally happened last night.

I'm going to do my best to avoid spoilers, but there will be some info revealed in vague form. So there's your warning.

I went in with high expectations and have done my best to avoid all teasers and trailers for the last year. So I hadn't seen any footage of the film, aside from the trailer that was on before Indiana Jones 4. That said....

...WOW! The movie started off with a bang. No origin story on the Joker. Your introduction is that you join him on a twisty-turny heist. It was all that was needed and I was glad they didn't feel the need to bloat it with a bio or to give a description of how he became who he is so people could identify with him; it let the viewer get to know him in the same way that Batman did. And the way the Joker asserts himself within the first few seconds of meeting the organized mafia families in Gotham...just jaw dropping. It took me and everyone in the theater by surprise...there were gasps that transitioned into laughter, almost as if on cue. It felt so good to laugh - it seemed a natural reaction to relieve the tension. Ledger had a brilliant portrayal of the Joker, and it left me wanting to see more of it - a lot of that feeling is probably due to the fact I know it won't happen.

My favorite villain of the Batman world has always been Two Face/Harvey Dent. And Aaron Eckhart created a very strong character. One of you mentioned that you thought his lines were the cheesiest of the bunch, but I didn't pick-up on that. His delivery wasn't every fake or forced, so while the dialogue may have read that way on paper, he pulled it off well. I'd have to see it again now that I could pay closer attention to it. But anyway, the way Dent fit into the story was a little different than the cartoon show I grew up loving, but I'm glad for the change. I was surprised with the change of how he became Two Face, but again, I welcomed the change.

Not surprisingly, Bale was a great Batman once more. He is the best Batman...and probably the best Bruce Wayne as well. One of the few flaws in this movie is the gravely voice he speaks with when he is Batman. It is over the top, but I know WHY Bruce Wayne would do it - so no one could pick out his voice as matching up with Batman, so I can't fault him for it. It's something a real person would do when trying to hide their double identity. So it can't even be a true fault.

Gary Oldman was a great Commissioner Gordon. He's charming in Harry Potter, and while I don't know much of his work outside of Batman/Harry Potter, I know that from the 2 characters of Sirius Black and Gordon, it's hard not to love the guy. Either he plays some very identifiable and wonderful roles...or else he just brings that warmth to these characters. I really prefer the style of interaction that Gordon and Batman have in these movies than I have in any of the other movies/shows.

Lesser characters - I also prefer Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes to Katie Holmes. Holmes version was a bit too self-righteous for my taste. And Michael Caine and Morgan Freeman stole the scene whenever they shared with Bale.

Beautifully shot - every Gotham city scape shot was gorgeous. The way the Joker was shot added an immense amount of creep factor...Nolan always framed his scars up perfectly.

The writing was smart and had depth thanks to so many great exchanges, superb action sequences, twists, and brought about a devious and psychotic Joker compared to the slap-happy old portrayals (sorry Jack...Ledger wins for this reason alone).

As stated prior, the movie started out very quickly and forcefully - and while the score was very ambient for the most part, it did build up a lot of tension and helped to keep the story moving. With the quick start, it must have been hard to keep building everything happening with the pace of the build of the score, but they pulled it off brilliantly.

There's a bit of a political statement made that draws similarities to the wiretapping scandal that I could have done without. But it didn't suck me out of the story as it was minor. That is the only complaint I can muster.

In short, (to borrow from the Totally Rad Show) this movie is the reason I'm a geek. Sequels can rarely come close to the original, and this has surpassed it's predecessor. I was tense and holding my breath through so much of the movie. I actually forced myself to exhale a few times when I realized I hadn't been breathing. The whole movie moved so fast, it's 2.5 hours long, and while it sounds like a long time, I cannot think of more than maybe 5 minutes that I could have done without. I didn't view that movie, it took me on a trip and held me by the throat the entire time. Go see it now.

For those of you that have seen it, let me know what you thought in the comments. I'd love to hear it and get some interaction going - so please be as long winded as you like!


Unknown said...

So good I don't know where they go from here for a third movie...even if Heath Ledger hadn't died, would they want more of the same? Is Two-Faces story done or is there enough to carry a whole other movie? What villain and what's the crisis. Another, inevitably less cool villain threatening Gotham? If you want a good laugh check out some other speculation forums. Some of my favorites were "Recast Danny Devito as the Penguin and redo that whole Batman Returns story" or "The guy who tried to blackmail Bruce Wayne will become Robin." Have to have total confidence in Nolan at this point but I bet whatever they do could live up to Begins but this one was so far beyond even that. Anyway though, loved the movie; could expound all day about everything that worked.

Justin Sko said...

The few reviews I have read on this movie seem to confirm a general consensus that this movie was effin badass. Period. I have described this movie to people as being an amazingly horrific crime drama that happens to be a Batman movie. I mean the Joker was, get this...scary! Holy shit, for the first time in my life I saw the Joker on film as a villain I would be afraid of if I lived in Gotham.

Yes, Bale's Batman voice is appalling, but on second viewing of the film I accepted it more easily. I really do think that Bale needs to get that minor lisp corrected though, that could help him not chew his "s."

Yeah, a follow up? If I were Nolan I'd get out now, but he won't. One idea I thought of was to fast forward in Batman's life, catch him as an embittered outlaw and portray him as losing touch with his morals. Still though, another movie with mob bosses won't hold, and the more fantastic characters like Clayface, Killer Croc, and Man-Bat won't hold in the reality Nolan created. Every other character is a mad scientist and that's a little lame.

At any rate this movie sets a standard that will be hard for anyone to reach. Just a great film.

Paul said...

I hadn't even thought ahead about where to go from here. You're both right - it'll be damn near impossible to produce another movie of this caliber, and absolutely impossible to beat it.

Clayface was my 2nd favorite villain, but it'd be pretty lame to have to CG one into this world and have Bale fight him. Doing that would get away from what has made this series so great - while definitely fiction, it's based in reality.

Maybe they will have to do a Robin movie and make Batman a secondary character to further the plot for the NEXT-NEXT movie so they could have a cop out for a lackluster 3rd movie and say it 'wasn't part of the trilogy'. Everything was tied up so neatly here aside from an obvious chance for a Joker breaking out of jail....but they'll never do that without Ledger. Batman will have to save the city while fighting the police...but he has to have a villain aside from the generic police force. Maybe there will be massive internal corruption that Batman will help root out? No clue...still...doesn't sound very epic.

And I know that Bale's gravely voice served a purpose, so I don't fault him for it. I hadn't thought about the lisp - but you're right. But again, how nit-picky do we have to get to find something to fault here? It's amazingly sad and funny simultaneously.

Think Ledger will be nominated for an Academy?

And have either of you seen it in IMAX? I really want to now that I heard they shot portions of action (as well as all Gotham city scapes) in IMAX rather than stretching the 35mm to fit. One set of reviews I watched, the 3 guys were talking about how hyper-real it looked...I think I may wet myself if there's some scenes with Joker on IMAX film.

Unknown said...

I've been liking the idea of, like Justin said, fast forward several years to old Bruce Wayne, been doing this for too long, no end in sight. Someone around here was saying he heard something about a Riddler type character, possibly the Riddler, helping the police try to catch Batman.

As for the Academy Award thing, he certainly did something that is hard to do. Not sure why I always have something or someone I want to see recognized by a group I don't care for anyway; kind of a setup for disappointment. I echo your sentiment on not being able to see anyone but "The Joker" in his performance and I certainly don't think it would be undeserved or a pity award. His dying might be just enough for the academy voters to get over any prejudice they'd have for a "comic book movie." But, hey, last year Javier Bardem won for a villain role. At this point it's so talked about I'm sure there'll at least be a nomination.

Haven't seen IMAX. Heard good though. I think actually alot of Joker stuff was filmed for IMAX. Maybe I'll do that for the second viewing.

Unknown said...

As for Robin...I'm sure you've seen where Christian Bale said he'd be out if they tried to include Robin. I'll go beyond the simple Robin sucks, here. He's always a weird thing. When you first think about it, it kind of makes sense, storywise. Batman's in a strange place, sees himself in this kid, forced to take a look at himself and if what he's doing is right as Robin tries to become like him. But then there are other ways to make Batman do that (Arkham Asylum graphic novel). The real problem is that when that initial conflict over Robin is solved and it settles into a new norm, unfortunately you've got this fruity, crappy sidekick character still hanging around and everything that made Batman such a cool character is diluted if not gone completely. Also Robin sucks.

Paul said...

The Riddler himself is kinda lame - but given those circumstances, that would make for a very good struggle. I just really don't want Two Face to be so short lived...he's a helluva villain.

I know what you mean about wanting someone to win an award from a group you hate...they rarely seem to get it right. A nod for Ledger would be enough to satisfy me.

I'm going to work on Sam to go to an IMAX screening...she surprised me as she really enjoyed the movie. So it might not be too difficult.

I'm glad Bale would bail (no pun intended...didn't realize it until I was typing...I swear!) if Robin entered. Shows that he isn't just in it for the bucks. I know Robin does make sense, but they always made him such a pussy. They'd have to axe his whole costume and make him grittier...cast someone with a line-backer type build if they want to shake the 'boy wonder' persona. Robin sucks.

echols13 said...

After seeing 'the Dark Knight', the first thought that came to me was where are they going with this? What's going to happen next? If Batman is chased and wanted in the next installment, someone has to be beating the drum and/or doing the chasing.

All I can see for this is the introduction of the Penguin as a fat, neo-con politico that goes after Batman to prop himself up as the next mayor or political bigwig of Gotham. You could also introduce the Catwoman (I know, I know) as someone that is stealing from the rich and is taken down by Penguin. I really would like to see what Nolan could do with those two characters: Burton, did a good job, but not a great one.

Don't know, but can't wait to find out.

Paul said...

I really hope they don't bring back the Penguin. The Riddler would be a better and more believable alternative. Keep politics out of my Batman please.