Wednesday, July 9, 2008

The whole damn mess

In a perfect world...err...well...a more perfect America, we'd have more than 2 parties. Just when I thought I'd had it during the last 3 months of the Democratic primary....Obama and McCain finally met up. I had hope that Obama would live up to the hype, but he's had his first mess up with this whole FISA debacle. And it was enough for me to rethink of donating any money to his campaign....not that my $50 matters, his campaign is as rich as the Vatican.

So for those of you that haven't been following along at home, this FISA bill allows the gov't to tap phones without warrants to protect us from turrists. A few years ago, the telecoms were ordered by the gov't to tap phones without letting the public know. This bill will protect the telecoms from being taken to court for following gov't orders. Makes sense, right? They were following orders. But at the same time, if the telecoms cannot be taken to court, then Bush and Co. cannot be held responsible either and they get away with shady-dealins. Nice precedent being set eh?

Well, Obama had originally said he was against it and would support a filibuster on the senate floor if it came to a vote. A few weeks ago, he changed his tune saying he'd accept this bill, and when he becomes president he'd look into stripping out the protection of the telecoms. How very passive aggressive. No way of knowing if he'll follow through. He changed his mind on the filibuster right?

Anyway...onto McCain. For those of you who voted for GW in 04, I know (and I'm sure you do as well) that you said at least once that Kerry was "a flip-flopper". The media hasn't been covering McCain all that well from the bit I've read. But here is a nice list of his flip (and mainly) flops in just the past few months. Also, he was in the bottom 1% of his class at the Naval Academy - oh and lost 5 jets! WINNER!

I haven't made up my mind what I'll do in November - I may go out and drop a marble in Obama's jar still as I think he'll at least end this age of fear and ignorance, or I may vote 3rd party and do what I truly believe, or just stay home.

Anyway, enjoy these - at least we can get a laugh out of this race.


Maliguna said...

i'm voting for obama, as he's the smaller of the two potential penises that are going to ass-rape me in november. look at it this way: one of them is going to be president. not barr or nader. how big of a wang do you want sodomizing you for the next four/eight years?

me? as the little spoon, i want to feel that wang as little as humanly possible.

obama 2008.

Paul said...

It depends on how close the race is I guess.

I don't think voting is like horse racing...but if it's nothing to be worried about (I doubt it will be)...I'll either be at home, or casting a vote for a 3rd party...libertarian most likely or write-in Ron Paul.